Educational adventure multiplayer game in which you must investigate the cure for a disease that has been spreading around the town.
Developed using Flixel framework & AS3. Server powered by SmartFoxServer 2X using Java. | |
Delivered to client in 2014. |
- The game has an in-game chat. Powered by SmartFoxServer 2X.
- The game was co-developed with Animactiva for a client.
- You can walk around the town, pick up collectible items (such as pictures and samples) and interview people.
- The player can write notes, saved in local files. This behavior was achieved using shell scripts in Windows.
- You can set points of interest (flags) around the map.
- The chat server records the conversations for analysis. This was achieved with scripts in the server developed in Java.
- The server can pause (and resume) the game in every client machine and control their progression.
- Programmed in-game tablet navigation.
- Custom engine for movement and collision detection.
- In-game chat integration and scripting.
- Developed app to control client machines from the server.
- Developed scripts to save notes from the players.
Code:- Juan Pablo Mendez Altuzar
- Luis Alejandro Salas Ortega
- Eric Loera Olvera
- Jesús Ricardo Noyola Contreras
- Carlos Alberto Alcalá Dávila